
Code::Blocks Project Management
1.1  Project View
1.2  Notes for Projects
1.3  Project Templates
1.4  Create Projects from Build Targets
1.5  Virtual Targets
1.6  Pre- and Postbuild steps
1.7  Adding Scripts in Build Targets
1.8  Workspace and Project Dependencies
1.9  Including Assembler files
1.10  Editor and Tools
1.10.1  Default Code
1.10.2  Abbreviation
1.10.3  Personalities
1.10.4  Configuration Files
1.10.5  Navigate and Search
1.10.6  Symbol view
1.10.7  Including external help files
1.10.8  Including external tools
1.11  Tips for working with Code::Blocks
1.11.1  Tracking of Modifications
1.11.2  Data Exchange with other applications
1.11.3  Configuring environmental variables
1.11.4  Switching between perspectives
1.11.5  Switching between projects
1.11.6  Extended settings for compilers
1.11.7  Zooming within the editor
1.11.8  Wrap Mode
1.11.9  Select modes in editor
1.11.10  Code folding
1.11.11  Auto complete
1.11.12  Find broken files
1.11.13  Including libraries
1.11.14  Object linking order
1.11.15  Autosave
1.11.16  Settings for file extensions
1.12  Code::Blocks at the command line
1.12.1  Using command line arguments
1.12.2  Command line arguments
1.13  Shortcuts
1.13.1  Introduction
1.13.2  Features
1.13.3  Usage
1.13.4  Editor
1.13.5  Files
1.13.6  View
1.13.7  Search
1.13.8  Build
1.13.9  Debug
1.14  Automatic source paths
1.14.1  Introduction
1.14.2  User Interface
1.14.3  Example
2.1  General
2.2  Astyle
2.3  AutoVersioning
2.3.1  Introduction
2.3.2  Features
2.3.3  Usage
2.3.4  Dialog notebook tabs
2.3.5  Including in your code
2.3.6  Change log generator
2.4  Browse Tracker
2.5  CodeSnippets
2.6  Code Completion in Code::Blocks
2.6.1  Code Completion plugin
2.6.2  CB Clangd Client
2.7  CScope
2.7.1  General information
2.7.2  Installing CScope
2.8  Doxyblocks
2.9  Editor Tweaks plugin
2.10  Environment Variables plugin
2.11  FileManager and PowerShell Plugin
2.12  HexEditor
2.13  Incremental Search
2.14  NassiShneiderman plugin
2.14.1  Create a diagram
2.14.2  Editing structograms
2.15  LibFinder
2.15.1  Searching for libraries
2.15.2  Including libraries in projects
2.15.3  Using LibFinder and projects generated from wizards
2.16  SpellChecker plugin
2.16.1  Introduction
2.16.2  Configuration
2.16.3  Dictionaries
2.16.4  Thesaurus files
2.16.5  Bitmaps (flags)
2.16.6  Styles to check
2.17  Source Code Exporter
2.18  SVN Support
2.19  ToDo List
2.20  Tools+
2.20.1  Example Tools
2.21  Thread Search
2.21.1  Features
2.21.2  Usage
2.21.3  Configuration
2.21.4  Options
2.21.5  Thread search options
2.21.6  Layout
2.21.7  Panel Management
2.21.8  Logger Type
2.21.9  Splitter Window Mode
2.21.10  Sort Search Results
2.22  Code statistics
2.23  Code profiler
2.24  Projects Importer plugin
2.25  Searching Available Source Code
2.26  Symbol Table Plugin
Variable Expansion
3.1  Syntax
3.2  List of available built-ins
3.2.1  Code::Blocks workspace
3.2.2  Files and directories
3.2.3  Build targets
3.2.4  Language and encoding
3.2.5  Time and date
3.2.6  Platform dependence
3.2.7  Command line expansions
3.2.8  Random values
3.2.9  Standard path
3.2.10  Build in functions for path conversion
3.2.11  Conditional Evaluation
3.3  Script expansion
3.4  Command Macros
3.4.1  Example 1: Compile single file
3.4.2  Example 2: Link object files to executable
3.5  Global compiler variables
3.5.1  Synopsis
3.5.2  Names and Members
3.5.3  Constraints
3.5.4  Using Global Compiler Variables
3.5.5  Variable Sets
3.5.6  Custom Members Mini-Tutorial
3.5.7  Command line arguments
Working With Code::Blocks
4.1  The build process of Code::Blocks
4.1.1  Build order
4.1.2  Workspace
4.1.3  Projects
4.1.4  Build targets
4.1.5  Preprocessing phase
4.1.6  Actual commands execution
4.1.7  Pre-build and post-build steps
4.2  Creating a New Project
4.2.1  The project wizard
4.2.2  Changing file composition
4.2.3  Modifying build options
4.3  Debugging with Code::Blocks
4.3.1  Build debug version of your project
4.3.2  Add Watches
4.3.3  Double-clicking in the Call stack window
4.3.4  Set Breakpoints
4.3.5  Notes
4.4  Debugger scripts
4.4.1  Basic principle of the debugger script
4.4.2  Script functions
4.5  Code::Blocks and Makefiles
4.5.1  Wiki article
4.5.2  Complements
4.6  Cbp2make Utility
4.6.1  About
4.6.2  Usage
4.6.3  Configuration
4.6.4  Command line syntax
4.7  Code::Blocks Interface Internationalization
4.8  Code::Blocks Adding support for non C/C++ files to the build system
4.8.1  Introduction
4.8.2  How things used to work...
4.8.3  Examples
4.9  Code::Blocks variable types synthesis
4.9.1  Environment Variables plugin
4.9.2  Custom Variables under Global Compiler
4.9.3  Custom Variables under Project Build Options
4.9.4  Where does Global variables fall in this order of precedence?
4.10  File formats description
Installing and Configuring CodeBlocks with MinGW
5.1  Installing the latest official version of Code::Blocks on Windows
5.2  Configuring MinGW
5.2.1  Overview
5.2.2  MinGW Compiler Toolchains
5.2.3  Code::Blocks Configuration
5.3  Nightly version of Code::Blocks on Windows
Building CodeBlocks from sources
6.1  Introduction
6.2  Windows or Linux
6.2.1  Initial Build System
6.2.2  Version Control System
6.2.3  wxWidgets
6.2.4  Zip
6.2.5  Workspace
6.2.6  Building Codeblocks
6.2.7  Generate plugins only
URL catalog